Blog or Cigarette? That is the question.
This is my second post, and I’m realizing that this isn’t that bad, but there do seem to be some consequences. I am taking a break from reading about orality…calm down…I keep forgetting to warn people when I discuss electrifying topics. Sorry, I apologize. E and J, orality cannot compare to ol’ Jenny, Enrique, and what was that other kid’s name? Oh yeah, Alejandro. No, wait. I forgot about the videos. I think I’m going to check out some of the videos we saw for my next shindig. I mean they were way more entertaining than J and me singing, or E’s dancing, or anything else I could possibly come up with. Anyway, back to the consequences of blogging. I try to smoke, and I emphasize try (I’m in Brazoria, 1/3 the size of Commerce), only when I am drinking or taking study breaks. Well, because I am posting during my break, I am missing my cigarette, thus the dilemma. E, what do you do? To make up for it, should I just drink during my breaks so I don’t feel deprived?
How about blog and then cigarette?
I'm going to try and start my response paper over that book tonight, though I still need to finish reading the chapters.
Did you get a job?
6:18 PM
Actually, if you're blogging then you're probably beginning to realize that it tends to consume a bit more time than what you might expect. What you should do is 1)blog for a while, 2)smoke a cigarette, 3)blog more, 4)smoke another cigarette, 5)look at the clock and realize you just wasted two hours of your life that you should have used in discussions of orality.
But what do you do? And those videos are the shit. Maybe I'll let you borrow the one I have about the Lumpee Indians.
6:22 PM
As a non-smoker, I highly recommend drinking during study breaks. Try it. You'll like it.
6:29 PM
The problem with smoking is that it slows the drinking down which in turn decreases the profundity of whatever it is you might be blogging about.
8:21 PM
Orality, eh? We should get together and study for that! BAH.
Ah, the cheap crass joke, one of life's little pleaures.
Any whoo, I notice you keep asking if you are "doing this right?" or "how do you do this?" concering blogging. On your dashboard there are two very helpful links on the right side of the dashboard under "BLOGGER HELP." One is titled appropriately enough "Blogger Help" and the other "Blogger Knowledge." Look through these and see if they help you out. It helped me when I started.
Because honestly, blogging quickly becomes an addiction, and one that you must take pride in. Look it over and if you still need help ask one of the crew to help fix it up.
Also, don't worry about ditching me the other night. It is not the first time you have ditched me, and probably won't be the last.
:)~~~~. Mark the day of the Fall TA Orientation on your calendar/schedule under the title of "MUST BRING DRINKING HAT." I will be in Commerce, and it will be on.
One last thing: Cigarettes fucking suck arse. LOSE THE HABIT! (TO QUOTE DANE COOK).
10:45 AM
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