Blog or Cigarette? That is the question.
This is my second post, and I’m realizing that this isn’t that bad, but there do seem to be some consequences. I am taking a break from reading about orality…calm down…I keep forgetting to warn people when I discuss electrifying topics. Sorry, I apologize. E and J, orality cannot compare to ol’ Jenny, Enrique, and what was that other kid’s name? Oh yeah, Alejandro. No, wait. I forgot about the videos. I think I’m going to check out some of the videos we saw for my next shindig. I mean they were way more entertaining than J and me singing, or E’s dancing, or anything else I could possibly come up with. Anyway, back to the consequences of blogging. I try to smoke, and I emphasize try (I’m in Brazoria, 1/3 the size of Commerce), only when I am drinking or taking study breaks. Well, because I am posting during my break, I am missing my cigarette, thus the dilemma. E, what do you do? To make up for it, should I just drink during my breaks so I don’t feel deprived?